Accused of violating probation?
If you are arrested and convicted for committing a crime, you may be sentenced to probation instead of jail or prison. This means that the judge feels you should not be sentenced to doing time but the level of your crime demands that you must be supervised while still living in your community. The whole purpose of probation is to protect the public. You committed a crime of some degree of danger to society, and probation is how the courts determine whether your behavior has changed enough to warrant your full, unsupervised return to the community.
During probation the degree of supervision depends on the severity of the crime committed. Probation can include requirements of performing community service, paying fines, counseling, limitations on contacts with specific people, restrictions on where you can go, and more. There are definite rules that must be followed when on probation, and if they are violated, the courts will most likely not view your situation kindly. The viewpoint from the law is that by sentencing you to probation, they are giving you a chance to prove your worthiness to society, and you didn’t pass the test. Violating your probation can mean that you will now go to jail or prison as well as have to pay increased fines, more community service, and more. If you have violated your probation terms, you should contact a criminal defense attorney in Chandler right away who knows how to help such cases. Parole violations occur for many reasons, sometimes inadvertently, and a skilled lawyer can be very effective in getting the courts to go easy on the violation.
Common Ways Probation Can Be Violated
The exact rules of probation can vary from case to case. The main point is that whatever rules are imposed, those are the ones that must be followed. Failure to follow them can result in your probation being revoked and being sentenced to jail or prison. Listed here are some of the more common ways a person’s probation can be violated:
- Does not show up for scheduled drug/alcohol testing
- Failing drug or alcohol testing
- Is involved in committing a new crime
- Does not perform the community service required
- Being in contact with a person not sanctioned per your probation
- Does not show up for scheduled court appearances
- Does not finish any court ordered counseling, such as anger management, or drug counseling
- Does not pay required fines
- Does not keep in regular contact with your probation officer
- Removing a security ankle bracelet without permission
- Not getting permission to leave your jurisdiction, or not returning as scheduled even when you did have permission to leave
- Not reporting a change of address when required, such as offenders convicted of certain sex crimes
Should you contact a lawyer?
There are many ways probation can be violated. Our Chandler probation violation attorney at the Workman Law Group in Chandler, we work with you to fully understand how and why your probation was violated. When we know the facts, we work hard to defend you and minimize repercussions from the courts. Perhaps you missed a scheduled appointment for drug testing because of an emergency, or are having difficulty financially and can’t pay your court-ordered fees. Whatever the reason, once we know the circumstances, we can effectively present your case to the court and help the judge understand the circumstances as well. In some cases, we can even resolve this crucial matter without the necessity of a hearing. Our team of experienced lawyers will ensure that every possible defense action is taken for you. Call now.